Welcome to St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church!
This is a faith-based community here in Bergenfield, NJ. All are welcome!
We continue to maintain a virtual presence on Facebook (sjrcbergenfield) and Instagram (sjrcbergenfield). We are now streaming English Mass on Sunday at 9am and Spanish Mass on Saturday at 7:00pm on Facebook. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can use this link (on a computer or laptop but not on a cell phone): https://www.facebook.com/sjrcbergenfield/videos and watch the live stream or click on “videos” to see past Masses, or use the link at the bottom of our home page for both Facebook and Instagram. Permission to stream the music in the Sunday Masses or other special Services has been obtained from One License with license #A-733513.
Would you like to assist as a catechist or as an aide for our Religious Education Program? Call 201-384-3601…As a choir member? Call 201-261-8430.
For all inquiries and concerns, please get in touch with the rectory at 201-384-0101.
Rev. Sean A Manson
Pastor St. John the Evangelist RC Church