List of Ministries
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the celebrants at daily and Sunday Masses, weddings, funerals and special events. Public, private and parochial school students from grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are invited to receive instruction. Contact our Rectory at (201) 384-0101.
Anointing Fire Ministry Group
Anointing Fire Ministry Group
Meets 2nd Friday of month for overnight Adoration from 10pm to 6:30am in the lower church.
Baptism Preparation
This team welcomes, encourages, and shares faith with expectant parents in preparation for the sacrament of Infant Baptism. Contact Deacon Jim (English) or Deacon Airan (Spanish).
Bereavement Ministry
This team assists people in their ability to deal/cope with their loss through an understanding of the process of grieving. Contact Fr. Ray, 201-384-0101.
Bereavement Ministry (Spanish)
This group meets as needed. Please call Delia, 201-387-8420.
This Friday night - all day Saturday retreat program is held in the parish annually, with separate weekends for men and for women. Includes presentations, discussions, sacramental reconciliation, and Mass. For more information contact Msgr. Richard at the Rectory Office.
CLOW - Children's Liturgy of the Word
All children from primary through middle grades (ages 5-12) are invited to attend Liturgy of the Word with Children to hear God's Word proclaimed at a level they can better understand and appreciate. Team members meet together for planning and serve occasionally throughout the year. Contact our Rectory at (201) 384-0101
Choir - Music Ministry
Contact: Lisa Marciano, Director of Music, 201-926-6623
El Shaddai
El Shaddai DWXI-PPFI Bergenfield Outreach
Meets the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month 2pm - 5:30pm in the Lower Church.
Filipino Apostolate
This group ministers to the Filipino families in the parish. They hold discussion forums and participate in fund-raising activities for St. John's. They hold a volunteer appreciation night in October. Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 8:15pm in the Parish Life Center. All are invited to the 5:30 Monthly Mass in Tagalog on the First Sunday of each month.
Filipino Choir
This choir sings monthly at Tagalog Mass.
Foundation for Family Life
Christian family life resource group associated within the office of Family Life Ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark.
Lectors proclaim the Scriptures at Sunday and Holyday Masses. Audition and training are required. Contact our Rectory at (201) 384-0101.
Legion of Mary
A lay organization honoring the Blessed Mother, the Legion of Mary meets weekly to pray together and perform apostolic work. Members visit ill or elderly parishioners who are homebound, in hospitals, or in nursing homes. They assist the Social Concerns Committees and sponsor an annual Pilgrimage to The Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrine in Washington, NJ. Meetings are held each Saturday at 9:30am in the lower church. Spanish meetings are each Monday at 6:00pm in the Parish Life Center.
Liturgy Committee
This committee plans the major liturgies of the church calendar. Also helps to clean and decorate the church altar, sanctuary, and sacristy. Meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena is held on Wednesday Evenings, 7:00pm in the upper Church
Parish Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is comprised of parishioners who advise the pastor on matters affecting the St. John's community, and sharing visions for greater engagement with the community.
Pastoral Concerns Committee
This groups meets to coordinate the annual Anointing of the Sick Mass.
Padre Pio Prayer Group
Celebrates the canonization of St. Padre Pio. Meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month, 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the lower Church. Coffee hour follows from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. To learn more about Padre Pio check out this article.
Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation, Emaus Groups, Matrimonios en Cristo
Married parishioners share faith and instruction with couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. Training and preparation meetings are held during the year at various locations throughout the Archdiocese. Contact one of the priests at the rectory for the latest schedule.
Emaus Groups are bilingual and meet weekly on Wednesday evenings for prayer and fellowship, and to support the vocation of marriage.
Matrimonios en Cristo seeks to support Catholic marriages among our Hispanic community. Meets the 3rd Friday of each month from 7:30pm to 8:45pm in the Lower Church.
Religious Education for Catechists
A program to prepare Catechists to instruct candidates. Contact Maria Campoverde at the RE Center at 201-384-3601.
Overnight retreat experiences are held yearly. It is an effective renewal process which calls together members of the parish. See Cornerstone above.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and Children Initiation Team
Priests and parish RCIA team members meet weekly from September through April to prepare adults and teens to enter the Catholic Church or complete their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist). Sacraments are celebrated on Holy Saturday night at the Easter Vigil and during the Easter Season. To become a member of the team or part of the preparation program, contact Deacon Jim at (201) 384-0101.
Spanish Prayer Group - Luz y vida
This group meets weekly to pray together. Meetings are held on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm in the Lower Church.
Special Ministers of the Eucharist or Eucharistic Ministers
Ministers distribute the Eucharist at weekday and Sunday Liturgies. In addition, they may distribute the Eucharist to the sick and the terminally ill both at home and in the hospital. Eucharistic Ministers are trained in accordance with Church Law and the principles of Vatican II. Contact our Rectory at (201) 384-0101.
Special Needs Ministry
This ministry offers separate support groups for moms and for dads of children with disabilities. It also celebrates an Inclusive Family Mass on the first Sunday of each month - October through June - at 3:00 pm. Contact Deacon Jim at the rectory or Rosemarie Flood at the Religious Education Office, or click here for more information.
We also offer religious education and sacrament preparation for young people with developmental disabilities.
Spirit Group
Singers and instrumentalists of high school age or older sing at the 12 noon Sunday Mass, practicing on Thursday evenings at 8pm.
Tienda del Encuentro
Spanish Prayer Group with a particular focus on outreach to married couples and those fallen away from the Church. Meets on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm in the Parish Life Center Basement.
Parishioners who greet and assist people as they arrive for worship, assist in financial collection at the Offertory, and help organize the reception of the Eucharist.
Vocations Office
As in the Acts of the Apostles, we are called to be a people with an indescribable and glorious joy. Yet like Thomas, many have doubts about their faith and ability to make all things new again. Help the World see that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World by so reading the Gospel as a diocesan priest or a religious priest, brother, or sister. "Inquire within" and call the Vocations Office at 973-497-4365 or visit the web-site at
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministers share the faith with teenagers in the Youth Group through peer ministry, prayer, retreats, service, Catholic Christian formation, fellowship, and socializing. They supervise Sunday amd Tuesday evening meetings, discussion nights, weekend retreats, trips and other social gatherings, breaking for the summer. Contact Eric at
Volunteer to Help Our Parish!
Social Concerns Committees
These groups meet monthly to develop and coordinate various efforts to raise awareness of different social needs and help to alleviate them.