"Please note that when making a suggestion/request for Conlon Hall it requires additional approval from the Borough of Bergenfield. When requesting Conlon Hall, please note if you will also need the kitchen, cafeteria, and/or other rooms. After confirming there are no St. John related events, we will forward to the Borough for final approval. Please note the current calendar may not reflect the most recent events approved by the Borough."
- MC - Main Church
- LC - Lower Church
- YR - Lower Church Youth Room
- CH - Conlon Hall
- CF - Conlon Hall Kitchen
- RP - Rectory Porch
- PLMR - Rector Lower Meeting Room
- PKR - Pre-K Green Room
- SCH - School
- SL - School Library
- RE - Religious Education Center
- PLCGR - Parish Life Center Gathering Room
- PLCB - Parish Life Center Basement
- PLCC - Parish Life Center Chapel
- PLC1/2/3 - Parish Life Center Rms 2nd/3rd Flr
- OS - Outside Soliciting
Weekly Events
PLC1, PLC2 - RCIA 9a-12:15p YR - PLC Youth Group 7p-9:30p
LC - Palabra 7p-9:30p PLCB - Emaus Men 6p-9p PLCC - Anointing Fire 7p-10p
PLCB - Tienda de Encuentro 7:30p-10p YR - Youth Group 7p-9:30p Sch, PLC3 - NCW 7p-11p PLCR - Luz y Vida 7:30p-9:30p PLCC - Spanish LM 6p-9:30p LC - Boy and Cub Scouts 6:30p-9:30p
MC - Choir 8p-10p PLCB - Emaus Men 6p-10p LC - Emaus Women 6p-10p PLCC,PLC3 - NCW 7p-11p CH - Boro Pickleball Evening
MC - Spirit Group 8p-10p LC - Luz y Vida 7:30p-9:30p LC - Irish Dance 4p-7p PLCC - Coro 6p-9p
PLCB - Devocion de Prec. Sangre 8p-9p PLC2, PLC3 - Coro 6p-9p SL - Palabra Music Rehearsal 7p-10p CH - Boro Pickleball Evening
LC - Legion of Mary 9:30a-11:30a LC, PLCC, PLC3, SCH - NCW 7p-11p